Lyonpo Dr. Kinzang Dorji


Lyonpo Dr. Kinzang Dorji has been serving as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of BTI since 2018. Lyonpo has been a lifelong and devoted civil servant to his King, country and the people. Starting his service as a veterinary Surgeon in the late 1970s, His Excellency has worked in various positions in the government, from serving as the Minister of a number of institutions to serving as the Prime Minister of Bhutan two times (2002-2003 and 2007- 2008). To say that Lyonpo has had an illustrious career would be a great understatement to all the achievements he has accomplished throughout his life.

Ms. Sonam Yangden

Ms. Sonam Yangdon is a highly experienced attorney who is currently practicing her law at the Bhutanese Legal Solutions. Miss Sonam gained her training as a public prosecutor with the Office of the Attorney General. She has been an active member of the BTI Board since 2019. Other than the Board, Ms. Yangdon is also the current vice-chair of the Committee of Legal Experts (CLE) which is a part of BTI.

Aum Tshewang Tashi

Aum Tshewang Tashi

Mr. Rinzin Wangchuk

Mr. Rinzin Wangchuk is the president of Journalists' Association of Bhutan (JAB). He currently works as Dzongkha editor with Kuensel and the senior most working journalist in the country. He has been working with Kuensel more than 31 years. An alumnus of Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland, is the first recipient of Jigme Singye Wangchuck Prestigious Journalism Award in recognition of his contribution to the journalism in Bhutan. He is also a recipient of the best editorial award of 2015 and best investigative award of 2019 honoring excellence in journalism. Rinzin is the Board Member of Asia News Network (ANN) representing Kuensel and board director of Media Council of Bhutan.

Aum Kesang Choden

Aum Kesang Choden is one of the newest members of the BTI Board. She is currently the Chairperson for Tarayana Microfinance Pvt. Ltd and is an active volunteer in CSOs, serving as Board Member for Chithuen Phuendey Association and also the Tarayana Microfinance Project. Prior to this, Aum Kesang worked as an Operation Specialist for the Elections Project under UNDP Mogadishu, Somalia for 2 years. She has also worked in the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance during her service under the RCSC.

Mr. Kuenga Jurmi is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Financial Institutions Training Institute (FITI). Mr. Kuenga was the Chief Information Officer with Bank of Bhutan Limited and also served as the Department Head of ICT in the Royal Institute of Management. Mr Kuenga has been a member of the BTI Board since 2019.

Dr. Kinley Tenzin

Mr. Kezang K. Wangdi

Mr. Kezang K. Wangdi

Mr. Kuenga Jurmi is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Financial Institutions Training Institute (FITI). Mr. Kuenga was the Chief Information Officer with Bank of Bhutan Limited and also served as the Department Head of ICT in the Royal Institute of Management. Mr Kuenga has been a member of the BTI Board since 2019.