Although corruption is a well-known phenomenon, whether people may talk about it openly or not will depend on the availability of reliable sources of reference. In that sense, BTI will source and utilize expertise from around the world to develop tools and conduct a specific and in-depth assessment, research and studies in key areas. Such studies and assessments will include but not limit to National Integrity System Assessment (NISA), the Youth Integrity Survey. The compilation of the findings of existing studies on corruption-related issues will be translated in the form of recommendations to re-enforce policy changes or to stimulate further debates on corruption issues.
BTI works closely with other relevant stakeholders including the National Anti-Corruption Commission, CSOs, media and other professional research institutes to ensure public acceptance, partnership and ownership of the findings from the above studies and research.
BTI will play the role of Resource Centre for supplying relevant anti-corruption tools and materials to all the relevant stakeholders. BTI will look into best practices, examples, and models from other countries in the region and from the around the world in regard to tools that have been used to fight corruption effectively and will introduce them to the anti-corruption stakeholders in Bhutan for their necessary adoption in our context. Therefore, BTI will continue to focus on building and supporting coalition among institutions and individuals from across Bhutan including relevant government ministries, CSOs, youth and students, media, private companies, law enforcement institutions and local authorities. Thus, BTI welcomes all institutions and citizens alike to join BTI as its members.
BTI will tap into the global expertise from around the world and the resources of Transparency International (TI) to draw significant benefits in regard to enhancing knowledge and skills and ultimately broaden and strengthen the network with other TI Chapters in the region. Wherever and whenever possible and appropriate, joint projects will be developed to address corruption issues and promote accountability and transparency that will be implemented by relevant institutions and interested organizations in cooperation with the NACC.